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Published: 01-Mar-14
Review of Home Business Bootcamp with Worldprofit's George Kosch
Today's session was packed with good-for-you information delivered in George's typical down to earth style....

For the first 30 minutes of the training, George Kosch got down to the essential basics for the benefit of new members, and members who haven't yet grasped what they need to do to start getting results. He explained how the Worldprofit system works and how the Monitor network helps close your sales.

George advised new Members to write down 3 goals for EACH day.

1 - The number of Associates to recruit every day. 10 - The number of posts you are going to do every day 200 - The minimum number of clicks you need to see in your Ad Tracker every day

Focus your energy and your time on those 3 numbers. As you gain experience, increase your numbers. The best use of your time is from promotion. Promotion generates leads. Leads are what you need to make sales.

After covering the material, George emphasized the harsh outcome of not understanding the basics.

"If you don't learn and do the basics, you have a 100% chance of failing in this course, and 100% failure rate for making money online - in ANY online program."

At Worldprofit we teach you how to promote so you can build a LIFETIME online business. Once you've mastered the skills of promotion, you have a valuable skill that you can apply to any online business. Sadly, most people never fully understand the importance of promotion and list building,

We're serious about helping you build your online business so we encourage you to treat your online business seriously too! Consider it a job, not a hobby. Realize that it will take you time, and a lot of work to build your online business. No business online or off, generates income without consistent effort. Forget all the hype you have heard about overnight riches, honestly you know that's a lot of bunk. What you don't know if you are a new online marketers, is just how much promotion is required to generate profits. Don't expect to dabble and get big results. The more time you invest in learning and actually promoting the greater your return. Online marketing is not something you learn overnight.

What's New...

Worldprofit Facebook Group: Insider tips and promotion strategies, and help from other active members can be found in our Worldprofit Facebook Group.

Facebook Marketing Courses. Two new courses just added to Worldprofit Member area and are free for all Worldprofit Silver and Platinum VIP Members. These are a $400 value, Silver and Platinum VIP Members you don't pay one extra dime.

Featured Worldprofit Services....

Universal Bonus Builder: George provided a demonstration of the Universal Bonus Builder and how you can use it to offer bundled advertising packages to make sales and retain sales. Members are encouraged to watch the VIDEO OVERVIEW to fully understand the power of this tool. Silver members get access to the basic promotion packages for offers/giveaways, while Platinum VIP Members get access to ALL the promotion packages.

ClickBank Maximizer There is a video overview of this very popular software tool in your Member area. George demonstrated how the CB Maximizer helps you sell ClickBank products. Feedback from members about results from this automated tool is very positive. George is adding to the CB Maximizer, the ability to integrate your external lists to this program. (Example Aweber, GetResponse)

After session remarks....

After the recorded portion of the session, George acknowledged that there is a lot to learn in Worldprofit's home business program. The member area is packed with software and resources some simple some more complex. He emphasized why learning must be a step-by-step and "Procedure based", that is mastered from repetition. He shared his experience the first time he sat is a jet cockpit as a student. He was overwhelmed, scared thinking " I have to learn all this stuff, all these dials, all these checklists?! And that's just while I am sitting safely on the ground. Then I have to go up in the AIR and do all these complex tasks going 400 MPH" Talk about overwhelmed! But I followed procedure, I repeated the tasks over and over again and learned the skills required. 13 months later, to pass a test I was blindfolded and had to find dials and instruments in the cockpit, it was suddenly easy! Procedure and repetition leads to mastery. While I was learning to be a pilot, I had a qualified instructor sitting behind me in the plane. I trusted him with my life, and he with mine. Here at Worldprofit, as you are learning how to build an online business, trust that I am here beside you helping you as your Bootcamp Instructor. My training format is to follow the procedures in the training, repeat them. Learn these skills and you carry them with you for your LIFETIME online business growth. There's no secret. There is no magic formula. Sorry folks it's simply learning the work required and repetition of the critical tasks.

A few comments from training participants

Inge: Thank you for great training I love Worldprofit

Wallace: Well done George, carry on. Invaluable info

Caroline: George have a great weekend, thanks for today the training.

Martin: Thank you again george

Vijian: Thank you George

Karen: Thanks George - loved it

Paul: Thak you

John: had Great Time

Pierce: Thanks George.


Thank you to everyone who attended the LIVE training. The recorded version will be posted to your Worldprofit member area within 24 hours in the TRAINING section (top menu).

Worldprofit Members can enjoy the LIVE trainings sessions with Bootcamp Instructor George Kosch every Friday morning. Join us!

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Republished with author's permission.